A Message From The Writer
"The Willow" is an inspiring tale of tales that intrigues the audience to understand humanity through the eyes of the heart. Each story creates a new window for viewing life's purposes through many different individuals. Mystery, humor, compassion and curiosity are the hallmark occasions that speaks to the reader. "The Willow" is a story to share the multi-facets of the human soul, and what one can endure throughout one's lifetime. Story after story builds higher elevation of the imagination.
"The Freedom to Prevail" is a riveting story told about the pandemic, and its emotional and economical effects of the devastation. It is a must read. Real live stories are told with vivid details of a visionary. The stories are encapsulated with visions, history, dreams and details of the human journey. The story compels the audience to want to read to the very end. Tailored, insightful details of the world's reflection, and the convictions of the hearts of men are sculpted in this book. Clues and treasures are found in the messages hidden deeply, but profoundly discovered as the audience is captivated by the hidden truth that lies deep within themselves.